A place for meetings, readings, showings, and other creative doings.
Paint San Francisco in Watercolor: 1 Session
San Francisco in watercolor
by Wendy Soneson
About the instructor: Wendy Soneson has been teaching watercolor for 40 years, the last ten in the Bay Area. You can see her show of San Francisco paintings in February, at the Rockridge Library
You can also find her on Anchor Podcasts or at Patreon.com or check out Wendy's website here!
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Title: Paint San Francisco in Watercolor: 1 Session
Instructor: Wendy Soneson
Date: February 23
Day & Time: Sunday, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Description: Capture the wild beauty of San Francisco with the transparent luminosity of watercolor. We will learn some basic watercolor techniques such as the four paper uses, the three mixing methods and the three brush uses, as well as basic color theory from primaries, then attempt a painting based on the many beauties of our nearby city. Of course, these will be techniques one can use for any city scape subjects.
Please visit instructors website to view the free mini lessons in preparation.
Fees: $125 Members; $135 Non-members
Medium: Watercolor
Materials: All materials included; you may bring photos of San Francisco, if you wish.
Notes: Open to all artistic levels; 18 years and older. Minimum registration required for workshop to proceed.
Questions? Email your questions to Wendy here!
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For Members
For Non-Members
Artist & instructor, Wendy Soneson